
The White Dove Directory
The White Dove Directory is a listing of white dove release companies in the United States and Canada.
The White Dove Directory is a listing of white dove release companies in the United States and Canada.

Professional White Dove Release Association
A listing of white dove release companies and good information about the doves we love. The association meets everyday with members across the country sharing wisdom, support and friendship on their groups forum page. Also facilitates meetings with like-minded White Dove Professionals locally and nationally.
A listing of white dove release companies and good information about the doves we love. The association meets everyday with members across the country sharing wisdom, support and friendship on their groups forum page. Also facilitates meetings with like-minded White Dove Professionals locally and nationally.
American Racing Pigeon Union
Members receive free quarterly newsletters and mailings, zoning assistance and support, an annual AU Yearbook and Membership Directory, and professional promotional assistance. Members enjoy nationally recognized competition standards and are eligible to compete for national AU awards and purchase official bands. When you join the AU, that money helps support a "pigeon lobbyist" in Washington D.C. This person helps to make sure our industry is protected by educating law makers about the birds we love and the needs they have. |